Tuesday, September 8, 2009

All the best

So its 3:30 in the morning

All the lights are on

Ive made 'ass-grooves' in my hard teakwood chair

Armies of ants in my room seem nicely fattened on late night leftover-food-binges

and theres a blood test report lying on the computer table , right next to my chin of course

If any of this sounds familiar ,yes , I am working on a paper , its dealing with room acoustics.

This is something ive really been wanting to do for a long time and have just uploaded it on www.esnips.com/web/fidelstuff

I must make a mention of my mentor for this project, Mr Matthew George , who was gracious enough to accept me as an intern with him over the period of a month during my last vacations. The man let me play with his personal PC and software worth a small family car all day long !

Was super fun during my internship cause I was moonlighting with my jazz band www.myspace.com/bourbonstreetbangalore and we tore the place apart.

More on that coming soon

Waking up hopefully to a completed contraption ,a hybrid catamaran and a cleaned and polished cylindrical parabolic collector which will see some action at Techtava09 ,MIT manipal.