d i R N
Thats short for- do it RIGHT NOW.
What does this mean ?
Its implies getting off your lazy ass and doing what you think really needs to be did ! But that you dont wait on it anymore than an instant.
Uh Huh , I dont understand
Let me explain , my car has had a faulty switch on the left rear power window for the last 2 months. Today morning after breakfast , I decided to diRN it once and for all.
I drove out to the accessories showroom immediately in what I woke up wearing. (torn shirt , loose shorts , you get the picture )
Slow down , Wheres the fire bob ?
Wherever it is , you haven't bothered calling the fire department until after the house has burned down.
My need to diRN on things is because I have this problem.
Before I can say to myself to not pro-crass-tea-nate , I've already sidetracked and shifted energy away from the task deserving my immediate attention.
I put off things until it became so so so so overdue, not only was it nearing another critical emergency , but the fact that by then it has gathered so much massive inertia , overcoming it was a nuisance , too much work , and plain sucking the fun out of doing it.
Make it easier by doing it quicker ?
Or when by devoting a little time and active brain RAM , you can extract more value out of that task than by hacking away till 3:30 in the morning out of the need to save your skin.
How do I start not putting things off ?
With a little incentive ! Humans are great at responding to incentives !
or challenges.
Im trying to write this post by NOT looking away from my computer screen AT ALL.
The lucidity of my thought process is a little teased by this new format. Suddenly my visual connect is actively driving not my motor functions but only my language-and-blog-writing cortex (yes Im sure such a thing exists)
And obviously yes , activity for day#1 of diRN also included ' UPDATE BLOG'