Not that its even close to worthy of a mention in my blog but nonetheless, Id like to make a mention of some really nasty misadventures and how , surprisingly ,I found I could take away something useful from it.
I don't know about you , but I found I can convince myself of absolutely ANYTHING .From imposing on myself that Im thoroughy useless at anything and everything I try , also after much frustration and failure , that I need to be capable of pretty much anything. ( If you own a 'low-self-esteem-0-meter' , it should register some mild response about now).
From the archives of experiences I have in wanting to deny myself any sort of human conversation, locomotive functions, electronic appliance, overcast weather, breakfast nutrition, color combinations and bad restaurant food for the sole reason that I'd FAIL in some aspect of my share of interaction with the abovementioned product/service , its more than obvious that my argument's sprung a leak.
Suppose I chose to disregard this sensation of disappointment outright ? suppose I chose to ignore any affiliation with any synonym of failure ? suppose I stick to mundane cliches and say I dont know the meaning of the word ?
Ah ! we would then arrive at INDIFFERENCE , and what a disambiguated mess this put me into.